Directions and Contact Info
Get Directions
Follow this map link for directions to Campbell Green Recreation Center. We hold classes at the Center on Tuesdays and Thursdays. To view our regular schedule and upcoming events, please check out the JSK Upcoming Events page.
Address: 16600 Park Hill Drive Dallas, Texas 75248
Phone: JSK: (214) 938-6449
Campbell Green Rec Center: (214) 670-6314
Additional Information
Campbell Green Recreation Center is a Dallas Park & Rec Center. Japan Shotokan Karate (JSK) was invited in 1995 to create a Traditional Karate club at the Center by Kim Moser, who worked at the Center and ran the Judo Club. Although faces have changed over the years, and the Webbs chose to close their main location in Richardson in order to devote more time to their family, the CG location and classes have been going now for over 25 years.